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By purchasing a training package with us, you agree to the terms and conditions as set out in the  licence agreement accessed BY CLICKING THE PINK BUTTON below:




Returns, Refunds & Cancellations


If you change your mind about a course you have purchased you have 14 days in which you can request a refund. This right under the Consumer Contracts Regulations applies regardless of whether the course will be taken online or in person.


However, if you have accessed the course materials in ANY of our training platforms (SLACK, X-HAIL.ORG, Instructor Facebook Group) during this 14 day period no refund is available.


If you request a refund on or before 14 days from the date of sale, you must supply written notice of said request (Email is acceptable) to All cancellations and refunds must be authorised by X-HAIL Meditation Ltd.

Further Product Return Requirements and Conditions:
1. Written detailed reasons for cancellation should accompany written notice of cancellation.
2. A copy of the sales receipt indicating payment type must accompany written notice of cancellation.
3. Your name, address, telephone number and email address must be legible and contained within the written notice of cancellation.


Restrictions on Use of Materials

ALL Materials, including training resources, held in and on this website and on our training platforms are Copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Text, graphics, databases, HTML code, and other intellectual property are protected by United Kingdom and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, reengineered, translated, hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit permission. All of the trademarks on this site are trademarks of X-HAIL Meditation Ltd.




If we have agreed that you can pay for any products or services by instalment, you agree that in the event that you do not complete the payments, or if an instalment is late, X-HAIL Meditation Ltd can demand payment of the outstanding balance which will become payable as a debt and/or require you to return all materials supplied. We reserve the right to demand full payment of outstanding amounts on the default of any one monthly instalment.

In the event of defaulting on a payment, we will write to you to request you make payment of the instalment amount. If we do not hear from you within 14 days of requesting payment, we reserve the right to remove you from the course and no longer mark your work or provide the tuition.

In the event that we demand the return of any materials supplied, you hereby agree that you will not make any copy of the materials or make use of any copies or other materials derived from those being returned.

No course certificate will be provided (if otherwise appropriate) if there are any outstanding fees due to X-HAIL Meditation Ltd in relation to that course or program.

We reserve the right to remove you from any X-HAIL Meditation Ltd social media group or to suspend communication with you while any money is outstanding and/or to send details of any debts to a factoring or other debt collecting agency.







- Under no circumstances shall the referrer be considered an employee.

- This agreement does not create any other partnership between the referrer and X-HAIL Meditation Ltd.




-The Parties agree that the referrer will receive 10% of the initial training fee paid to X-HAIL Meditation Ltd, commission per referral. This payment will only be made once the referred party has paid in their fee in full and a period of 21 days has elapsed since the final instalment. If the referred party does not complete their payment plan or requests a refund during their 21 day ‘cooling off” period, no payment will be made.

- The Parties agree that the referrer will provide an invoice to X-HAIL Meditation Ltd before payment will be made. The invoice will include the referred party’s name, address, email address and date of first payment.

- X-HAIL Meditation Ltd reserve the right to contact the referred party direct to verify details.

- The Parties agree that the means of payment will be via PayPal.


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